Public Works


The following companies provide utility services to the Town of Triana.

Town of Triana
Water and Sewer
Phone: (256) 772-0151

Huntsville Utilities
Electric Services
Natural Gas
Phone: 256-535-1200

Disconnect requests will only be accepted with a completed disconnect form delivered to town hall or emailed to Please allow up to 30 days for your final bill to be calculated and refund check if applicable to be issued. Disconnect requests will not be accepted or processed via phone request or other means without the completed and signed form.

Pay a Water / Sewer Bill
Application for Water Services Application for Water Disconnect Report a Problem (Streetlight Outage)

Household Garbage and Large Pick-Up

Madison County Sanitation
Phone: (256) 532-3718

Roads and Streets

Town of Triana
Phone: (256) 772-0151

Water & Sewer Rates

Water Usage Residential Fee
First 2000 gallons (minimum fee) $25.00
Next 3000 gallons $2.40/1000 gallons
Next 5000 gallons $2.10/1000 gallons
Over 10,000 gallons $1.50/1000 gallons

Water Usage Commercial Fee
First 10,000 gallons (minimum fee) $65.00
Each 1,000 gallons $4.00/1000 gallons

Sewer Usage Rate
First 2000 gallons (minimum fee) $13.80
Next 2500 gallons $3.90/1000 gallons
Next 2500 gallons Over 4500 gallons


Item Fee
Reconnection Fee $35.00
Connection Deposit $150.00
Meter Reread $25.00
Short Tap $1,250
Long Tap  $2,750 
Water Availability  $1,500 
Sewer Availability  $1,500 


For new subdivision construction, water and sewer taps are provided and funded by the developer per the Town of Triana Subdivision regulations.  The availability fees ($3000 per lot) are paid by the developer up front for the entire phase at time the Final Plat is signed prior to issuance of the first construction permit by the builders.  Builders may contact Town Hall to request meters as needed, however, due to supply and labor constraints it is recommended that builders call for meter at permit issuance. Builders are responsible to keep meter boxes clean and free of debris once the meter has been called for. Meter boxes that are missing or full of debris may be subject to installation delays and additional fees. 

For new construction or mobile/manufactured homes without an existing meter, tap fees may apply in addition to the water/sewer availability fees. If the water main is located on the same side of the street as the residence, a short tap fee will apply. If the water main is located on the opposite side of the street, a long tap (under the road) fee will apply. The location of the fire hydrants may identify which side of the street has the water main.