Building Department
The Building Department office for the Town of Triana is located at 640 6th Street, Triana Alabama. Office hours are Monday-Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Permit applications can be obtained in person at the office. Fees may be paid via Cash, Check, Credit Card.
Building Inspector
Barry Davis
Building Codes Adopted
- 2018 International Residential Code
- 2018 International Building Code
- 2018 International Plumbing Code
- 2018 International Mechanical Code
- 2018 International Fuel Gas Code
- 2018 International Property Maintenance Code
- 2018 International Swimming Pool & Spa Code
- 2017 National Electric Code
- 2021 International Fire Code
- 2015 International Energy Conservation Code
Permit Costs
For residential, see Ordinance 2021-05, 2019-01.
- New construction $3000/unit
- Water/Sewer
availability fees $3000/unit
- Subcontractor
permits $200
- Reinspection
Fee $100
- Permit
Card Reissue $50
- Subdivision
Inspections $75/inspection
- Temporary
Power Fee $75
- Accessory
Structure Permit Fee $150
- Accessory
Structure Inspection Fee $75
Commercial - Variable, inquire with office.
Inspections may be scheduled by contacting the Building Inspector.
A Certificate of Occupancy is required to establish permanent electrical and natural gas (if applicable) service with Huntsville Utilities. The Town of Triana will provide a copy of the Certificate of Occupancy directly to Huntsville Utilities.
Mobile Homes
Per the Zoning Ordinance, Mobile Homes may only be located within R-2 zoning districts but may be permitted within R-1 zoning districts with approval of the Board of Adjustments. Such requests must be submitted in writing to the Board of Adjustments via the Town Clerk.
Mobile Home owners will need to obtain electrical and plumbing permits and inspections prior to issuance of an occupancy permit. Madison County Health Department Permits will also be required for septic tanks (if applicable) in addition to any required license fees through the County Licensing Department.
Renovations and remodeling to mobile homes may require additional permitting (roofing, siding, HVAC, etc...). Please inquire with the Building Department.
Regardless of the zoning district, Mobile Homes are limited to no more than 2 per half acre and mobile home courts of 5 or more are restricted to R-2 districts.
Secondary Residences, Accessory Dwelling Units, and Secondary Mobile Homes in the R-1 District
Secondary Residences, Accessory Dwelling Units, or Mobile Homes may be placed on an R-1 Parcel containing an existing Primary residence with approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission. Property Owners must submit the request in writing to the Planning and Zoning Chairman to be placed on the agenda. The request should identify the following
- The Address and Parcel ID from the Madison County Tax Assessors Office
- Description and size of the proposed secondary residence
- Depiction of the location of the structure on the parcel and relation to the primary residence and other structures and parcel boundaries
- Depiction of access and easements to the secondary structure
If approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, the applicant must obtain any necessary permits from the building department and inspections must be completed before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Water and sewer (if applicable) fees must be paid to obtain water and sewer service. Septic requires approval of the Madison County Health Department. Owners are also responsible for any fees or infrastructure such as poles in order to establish electrical service through Huntsville Utilities. Owners will be responsible to obtain and address through Madison County House Addressing prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.
The secondary residence must comply with the Minimum Housing Standards Ordinance. No inspections, water/sewer service, or Certificates of Occupancy will be issued until approval is granted by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Code Enforcement
Code Enforcement Officer
Barry Davis
Code Enforcement Matters